Solutions / Marketing Strategy & Deployment

Experience the power of digital marketing to scale your business to new heights!

With over 20 years of experience, Capital Ventures & Publishing is your go-to monetization and scaling partner. We have successfully scaled numerous businesses using our tailored strategies and data management techniques.

Having a strong online presence is key to brand awareness and ultimately success, beyond that being able to maximize your ROI and conversions through data (customer) monetization methods will ensure you are capitalizing on your growth appropriately. Contact us today to discuss a tailored strategy to stay ahead of your competition!

Get started today!

  • Assessment Have your business model and current strategy assessed to build a timeline and achievable goals for your next campaign.
  • Custom Tailored Marketing Strategy Using targets provided though the assessment, our team will create a fully customized digital marketing strategy that will give you all the services you want and nothing you don't need.
  • Implementation Aggressive strategies only work when they are implemented correctly, our team of niched experts will guide you in deploying the custom strategy and provide the accountably necessary to ensure its success.
  • ROI & Metrics All strategies developed are based on showing a financial return on investment and verifiable customer growth. At Capital Ventures & publishing we prioritize driving top line revenue above all else when it comes to marketing. Followers are good and rankings are good, but nothing beats compound revenue-based growth rates driven by aggressive monetization.

Scale your business with a dedicated marketing department driven to increase top line revenues!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Climb the rankings with a custom-tailored SEO strategy designed to fit your business and the ever-changing algorithms that determine your rank.

The purpose of SEO is to establish brand visibility and organic traffic by keyword rankings within search engine results. Higher rankings mean more organic traffic which will ultimately attract new organic customers and decrease overall customer acquisition costs (CAC).

  1. A comprehensive audit of your current rankings, performance index, site health and competitor analysis.
  2. Technical Application of Keywords, Imbedded SEO and Backlinking Content based on the audit.
  3. New Content developed specifically for your business designed to increase traffic and visibility.
  4. Link Building by connecting content with other authorities in your space to increase credibility.
  5. Ongoing Strategy Consultation will leave you with a implementable practice of growing your SEO internally using the strategy we developed for you and the accountability to ensure its ongoing success.

Programmatic Advertising & Ad Spend Management

Aggressive ad spend and media buying campaigns are highly effective yet can be very expensive. Ensure you are getting the best possible ROI and lowest possible CAC by partnering with our ad spend management team.

  • Develop Creative Digital Assets such as shorts, videos, add pages, landers, lead magnets and more with our creative team
  • Build a budget and strategy with us
  • Deploy and Automate
  • Incrementally increase to scale

  • Streaming Services - Hulu, YouTube and more
  • Streamed Audio - Pandora, Spotify and more
  • Digital & Native
  • Direct Mail
  • Cross Social Channel - X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
  • Connected TV

Reach your target audience effectively through direct consumer ad contact.

Our programmatic advertising solutions leverage AI and data-driven strategies to ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time. Our goal is always to get you the highest level of lead generation at the lowest possible cost of acquisition, which is why we offer a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline the process. Our platform provides full management budget allocation to performance tracking that can be tailored to fit any business size or model.

Funnel Design & Deployment

Do you have an offer? Create a consistent flow of leads with integrated funnel design and deployment. Our team specializes in developing highly effective sales processes through expert funnel creation and deployment.

We understand that the customer sales journey is key to creating a consistent flow of leads.

Vertices most suitable for funnels: Coaching, High Ticket (10k+), Services, Membership Programs, Professional Services, Subscription Models, DTC Large Purchase.

  • Consult with a professional sales coach to outline you customer journey.
  • Gather digital assets and develop new creative to compel your customers to take the next step.
  • Arrange and test the system by running test traffic.
  • Launch Campaign

Large Projects - We offer full creative, development and deployment focusing on large-scale projects. Our team will handle all aspects of creative, funnel creation, testing, deployment and add spend management ensuring that every step of the customer journey is optimized for maximum conversions.

Production - We offer full production for select projects: shooting, editing, production, cache, and deployment.


In today's world Content is King! Our team of creatives will sit and assess your content schedule against current trends and market analytics to devise a deployable strategy that will meet your target audience right where they are.

We at Capital use analytics and metrics to track the most successful published content and then translate that to and effective shooting, editing, and posting schedule for your business.

  • Review current content, schedule, accounts, and channels.
  • Run gross analytics across all channels.
  • Identify trends.
  • Integrate SAS management tools.
  • Create a cache. (new and repurposed content)
  • Schedule
  • Deploy

Have a large content project ahead of you?

We have professional photographers and videographers ready to setup, shoot and edit your project & will provide you a cache of B roll and edited shorts from the project for content release.

Social Media Content & Management

Our team of professional social media managers have years of experience growing and scaling social medial accounts with some of the most successful accounts growing to over 1M followers.

Our priority is to keep you doing what you do best, running your business! Leave it to us to develop an engaging content strategy that will grow your audience and ultimately your customer base! We use cutting edge software to create personalized content pieces to fill your cache in advance of automated posting and scheduling.

  • Consult with a social media expert about your current content strategy to see where we can maximize your results potential in followers, shares, and engagement.
  • Work with our team of creatives to shoot, edit and format content pieces to fill your cache.
  • Approve the team's work! Then we will manage your social scheduling months in advance so you can focus on your business growth.
  • Approve the campaign launch and leave it to us to deal with the engagement!

One million followers here we come!!! 🚀

Sales Manufacturing

Sales processes are procedures developed from the psychological interest and rewards path that our brains are attuned to.

Therefore, sales can be manufactured through designing a sales path for your customers to take that piques their interest, grabs their attention and rewards their buying decision. Understanding the psychology of your customers sales path is crucial to building the system that will automate and scale your internal sales.

  • Comprehensive Sales Psychology and Skills Class - Corporate team building class.
  • Sales Systems development and implementation - We will tailor a sales system and customer sales cycle for your business the deploy and test the implementation.
  • Outbound Phone Rooms - Maximize your per rep sales averages with our specialized approach to outbound dialing.
  • Inbound - Pay per call available for select vertices.
  • Digital - Tune your offer to the perfect industry price points and integrate digital sales systems that create buyers & sales for your business.