Solutions / Finance & Fundraising

Your trusted partner for financing strategies and options.

We believe in our business owners and entrepreneurs' ability to make an impact in this world! Which is why we have developed specialized finance strategies and options to provide them the capital they need to make a difference and make money doing it.

Options range from financing M&A deals to deploying private funding for independent projects. Don't let financial constraints hold you back, contact our finance team today to discuss tax planning and deployable capital strategies!

Traditional Options M&A

  1. SBA Lending

    SBA loans can be a great option to cover new project startup costs, working capital needs and especially expansions by M&A. This type of financing is issued by a private lender but backed by the federal government in efforts to support the US economy. SBA offers several variations of loans such as Micro loans, Disaster loans, Working capital loans, express loans and 504 loans. Our in-network SBA Lenders will go the extra mile to ensure we get you the capital you need to do your deal.

  2. Private Loans

    Private loans can be acquired though traditional financial institutions like banks, private lenders, or organizational institutions. Interest rates generally follow the current market prevailing interest rates and can be easily acquired with the correct pre-positioning. With our extensive network of private lenders and underwriters, together we can explore several different offers at once and select the option that best suits your needs.

  3. Venture Capital

    Most often you hear about venture capital companies funding startups, early-stage, and emerging companies. However, our venture capital partners love expansion deals so if your business shows great promise and an M&A expansion is the next step this is a great potential option.

Non-Traditional Project Options

How many times have you heard of a successful business owner going to their local bank to acquire a loan for a new project only to get denied? Yea so have we. That's why we have worked years to build our network of investors and entrepreneurs as well as create effective methods of acquiring non-traditional finance. Methods include:

  1. Crowdfunding

    Harness the power of personal interest though our crowdfunding platform that taps into the passionate support of the public. With our assistance, we can reach a global investor audience and communicate your vision to gain financial support.

  2. Angel Investors

    We have an extensive network of angel investors who are always looking for the then next big project to partner with a business owner on. Our exclusive investors offer immediate capital in exchange for equity or a rev share deal depending on the project. Well make a few calls, negotiate a deal, and get you funded in days.

  3. Grant Writing

    Governmental departments, foundations, trusts, and non-profits offer hundreds of millions of dollars in awardable grant funds every year. Most believe 501C3's are the only qualified candidates for grants. This is simply not true; we have been extremely successful in getting grants awarded to our for-profit clients ranging from direct working or expansion capital to new cutting-edge equipment. Let's discuss the grants you may be eligible for today.

At Capital Ventures & Publishing we ourselves are always on the lookout for new upcoming businesses that excite and inspire us.

Our company shares an interest in the success of many of our entrepreneurs and we put our money where our mouth is. When we provide private money to our business owners, we ensure the security of our investment by pressing the full power of our company behind the business. Providing our partners with a team of expert consultants in their respective fields while deploying our freight train of a marketing department to run up their top lines.

All financing options come complete with a revised tax strategy tailored to your business. Every strategy is designed to maximize your growth potential while lowering your personal & business tax burdens.

Fundraising campaign costs are assessed on a per raise basis, however we require a $10,000 USD deposit before work commences.

If you are interested in financing your M&A deal, project or bringing on an equity partner in exchange for consulting and/or capital contact us today to discuss your deal!